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Why is Open MRI Becoming the Preferred Choice for Pediatric Imaging?

Published October 18th, 2023 by Great Lakes Medical Imaging

Pediatric medical imaging presents unique challenges and concerns. Children, with their developing bodies and varying levels of cooperation during medical procedures, necessitate an approach that is both technologically advanced and supremely patient-centric. Open MRI, with its array of benefits tailored for younger patients, is swiftly becoming the imaging method of choice in this domain. At Great Lakes Medical Imaging in Buffalo, NY, we're proud to provide Open MRI services to our youngest patients, ensuring their comfort and safety throughout. Let's explore why Open MRI is gaining traction as the go-to method for pediatric imaging in Western NY and beyond.

1. Reduced Anxiety and Fear

Traditional MRI machines, with their enclosed, tunnel-like design, can be intimidating to children. The open design of the Open MRI reduces feelings of confinement, making the experience less daunting for our young patients.

2. Allows Parental Presence

A significant advantage of the Open MRI is the ability for parents or guardians to remain close to their children during the scan. This proximity provides comfort and reassurance, making the process smoother for both the child and the attending medical team.

3. Enhanced Safety and Monitoring

The open design ensures that medical staff can continuously monitor the child visually, allowing for immediate intervention if any discomfort or issues arise during the scan.

4. Flexible Positioning

Children, especially the very young, might find it challenging to remain still for extended periods. Open MRI machines offer more flexibility in positioning, accommodating different postures that might be more comfortable for the child.

5. No Compromise on Image Quality

While the patient-centric benefits are numerous, Open MRI machines at Great Lakes Medical Imaging also guarantee high-resolution, detailed images. This ensures that physicians get the accurate diagnostic information they need.

6. Reduced Scan Times with Advanced Models

Newer models of Open MRI machines come equipped with technology that can reduce scan times. Shorter durations are particularly beneficial for pediatric patients, minimizing the time they need to remain still.

7. Accommodating to Children of All Sizes

From infants to teenagers, the Open MRI's spacious design can comfortably accommodate pediatric patients of all sizes, ensuring everyone receives optimal care.

In Conclusion

Pediatric medical imaging, while crucial, can be a source of anxiety for both children and their guardians. The advent of Open MRI technology, with its myriad of child-friendly advantages, marks a significant step forward in ensuring that these necessary procedures are as stress-free as possible.

At Great Lakes Medical Imaging in Buffalo, NY, our commitment to the well-being of our pediatric patients is unwavering. Our advanced Open MRI services, combined with our compassionate and skilled team, ensure that our youngest patients in Western NY receive the best care in a comfortable, safe environment.

If your child requires an MRI scan and you wish to learn more about the benefits of Open MRI, we invite you to reach out to our team.

To schedule an appointment or for further inquiries, please visit our contact page.


Disclaimer: This blog article is for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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