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Innovations in Breast Cancer Detection: GLMI's Comprehensive Screening Approach

Published February 26th, 2024 by Great Lakes Medical Imaging

Breast cancer remains one of the most prevalent health concerns among women worldwide. Early detection is paramount in improving outcomes and survival rates. At Great Lakes Medical Imaging (GLMI) in Buffalo, NY, we are dedicated to integrating the latest innovations in breast cancer detection to provide a comprehensive screening approach for the women of Western New York. Our state-of-the-art technologies and personalized care protocols are designed to detect breast cancer at its earliest stages, when it is most treatable.

Advanced Screening Technologies at GLMI

1. 3D Mammography (Digital Breast Tomosynthesis): GLMI has embraced 3D mammography, a cutting-edge technology that captures multiple images of the breast from different angles, creating a layered 3D picture. This method provides greater clarity and detail than traditional 2D mammography, particularly beneficial for women with dense breast tissue, significantly enhancing our ability to detect small tumors.

2. Automated Breast Ultrasound (ABUS): Recognizing the limitations of mammography in dense breast tissue, GLMI offers ABUS as a supplemental screening tool. ABUS provides a 3D ultrasound of the entire breast, offering an additional layer of detection that complements mammography, particularly in dense breast tissue where mammograms may be less effective.

3. Breast MRI: For women at high risk for breast cancer, GLMI provides breast MRI screenings, which offer highly detailed images and are used in conjunction with mammograms to provide a comprehensive view. Breast MRI is an invaluable tool in our screening arsenal for detecting cancer in its earliest stages, especially in high-risk patients.

A Personalized Approach to Screening

At GLMI, we understand that every woman's risk for breast cancer is unique, influenced by factors such as age, family history, genetics, and breast density. Our team of specialists, including radiologists with expertise in breast imaging, tailors screening recommendations to each patient's specific risk profile, ensuring the most effective and appropriate screening plan.

Innovative Diagnostic Procedures

For cases where screening results are inconclusive or when further investigation is needed, GLMI utilizes advanced diagnostic procedures to provide clarity:

  • Image-Guided Biopsies: When a suspicious area is detected, our radiologists perform minimally invasive, image-guided biopsies to obtain tissue samples for further analysis, ensuring accuracy and minimizing discomfort.
  • Contrast-Enhanced Mammography: This emerging technology, akin to providing a mammogram with a dye similar to what is used in CT scans, offers enhanced visualization of the breast tissue, aiding in the accurate diagnosis of breast cancer.

Empowering Women through Education and Support

GLMI is committed not only to providing the most advanced screening and diagnostic services but also to empowering women through education and support. We offer resources and counseling to help women understand their breast health, the importance of regular screenings, and how to navigate their care journey should a diagnosis occur.

GLMI Is Here To Help

Innovations in breast cancer detection at Great Lakes Medical Imaging are reshaping the landscape of women's health in Western New York. Our comprehensive screening approach, coupled with personalized care and advanced diagnostic techniques, ensures that women receive the highest standard of care. Early detection saves lives, and GLMI is at the forefront of this vital mission.

For more information about our breast cancer screening services or to schedule an appointment, please visit Great Lakes Medical Imaging. Let us be your partner in breast health, offering peace of mind through advanced care and compassionate support.

Disclaimer: This blog article is for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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